Cake\ORM\Entity Object
[id] => 2094
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[date] => 2014-01-12 16:39:59.000000
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[modified] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2014-01-12 16:39:59.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
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[name] => Kindergarten Name Tag Template
[description] => Would you like to pick up some free Kindergarten name tag template pages from Free Printable Online? If so, you’re definitely in the right spot. Here on our website, we have numerous top quality printouts from which you may take your pick - cards, music sheets, quotes, calendar pages, crafts, and much more! We want you to be able to find items that you need and want, all in one convenient place. That is why we have gathered so many different wonderful printables together, and the best part of all is that you do not need to pay anything at all for them! Enjoy your search for printables today!
[category_id] => 46
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[published] => 1
[page_title] => Kindergarten Name Tag Template
[meta_keywords] => paper, crafts, Kindergarten, name, tag
[meta_description] => It looks like you're interested in our Kindergarten Name Tag Template. We also offer many different Printable Paper Crafts and Kids Activities on our site, so check us out now and get to printing!
[clean_url] => kindergarten-name-tag-template
[img_title] => Kindergarten Name Tag Template
[layout] => default
[description2] => Pick Out Quality Free Printable Paper Crafts
Many kids and adults enjoy making things out of paper, so you should get a handful of our printable paper crafts for you to share with your kids or students. They will appreciate it, and have a great time making boxes, dolls, and some printable Kindergarten name tag template sheets. On the first day of Kindergarten, the kids will need to introduce themselves. Having name tags on themselves or in front of them will help make it easier on them. Print off enough for all of your students, cut them out, and you can either have the kids try to write their own names or you can do it for them. Then, they can decorate their name tags how ever they wish.
Get Printable Paper Crafts Today
Paper crafts can be a whole lot of fun for kids. This includes our Kindergarten name tag template sheets. They are practical, yet they can be a great way to get kids to do something that is creative and social! Print some of these for the first day of school, no matter what grade the children are in. After all, these items are completely free!
[category] => Cake\ORM\Entity Object
[id] => 46
[short_name] => Printable Paper Crafts and Kids Activities
[description] => Try our free printable paper crafts today, such as our origami rose for great kids activities. Discover new crafts from our selection and print now!
[category_id] => 23
[created] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2012-11-18 12:16:35.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
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[modified] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2013-03-12 09:58:13.000000
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[long_name] => Free Printable Paper Crafts and Kids Activities
[page_title] => Free Printable Paper Crafts and Kids Activities
[meta_keywords] => free,printable,paper,crafts,today,such,origami,rose,discover,from,selection,print
[meta_description] => Try our free printable paper crafts today, such as our origami rose! Discover new crafts from our selection and print now!
[published] => 1
[clean_url] => paper-crafts-and-kids-activities
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[description2] =>
[parent_category] => Cake\ORM\Entity Object
[id] => 23
[short_name] => Printable Crafts
[description] => Have a fun time using free printable crafts! Our wide assortment of print outs, such as our printable ruler, printable stencils or bookmarks, will bring the family together and provide great kids activities with these intuitive ideas. Simply find the free printable crafts of your taste, customize and print right now, all for free!
Our main goal is to offer you an endless amount of different free and fun kids activities so that you can have some relaxation time while your childrens minds are being stimulated from our crafts. If you're a teacher, use these for your students during play time at school. They will get the opportunity to use their creative side and build and create things to bring home to their parents.
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[created] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2012-11-17 00:24:38.000000
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[modified] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2019-07-04 03:40:58.000000
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[sorder] => 10
[long_name] => Free Printable Crafts
[page_title] => Free Printable Crafts | Create Fun Printable Crafts
[meta_keywords] => free,printable,crafts, free printable crafts
[meta_description] => Use our handy and convenient free printable crafts to keep the good times rolling. Whether you need a ruler or a stencil, grab the free printable crafts of your choice.
[published] => 1
[clean_url] => crafts
[short_description] => Use our handy and convenient free printable crafts for kids activities!
[description2] => Free Printable Crafts to do with your Children
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