Free Printable St Patrick’s Day Word Search Puzzle
Activities for St. Patrick’s (Luck O’ the Irish) Day can be fun for everybody especially for kids.
Traditional Saint Patrick’s day party games are great for kids because of their versatility.
These games also have original game rules that act as a guideline, but they can be altered to fit any theme and occasions.
In order to add fun to St. Patrick’s games that are played with young kids, you might need to eliminate or even minimize competition in these games.
It must be noted that children under the age of 8 years don’t have a good understanding of the concept of winning and losing.
That is why their feelings can easily get hurt, whenever there is too much competition involved in a game.
St. Patrick’s Day is known as a lucky day and there is every reason to make all the kids feel like winners.
Talking a bit with your kids about the legends behind St. Patrick’s Day is the best way to start off this joyful day of the wearing of the green, Leprechauns and four leaf clovers.
This topic is preferred because it is non –religious and fun.
Types of Activities During St. Patrick’s Day
Search For Gold Treasure Hunt
It’s one of the common games that kids play during St. Patrick’s day. This game is perfect for all ages of people but young children find more fun with this game.
An example of activities of this game is where gold coins are hidden for kids to find.
There are loads of fun St.Patrick’s Day play toys, games and novelties available at Amazon.
St. Pat’s Theme Word Search Puzzle
Word Search puzzles are different from other puzzles. They never go out of style because they always provide a fun mental challenge to those who are participating.
As part of those tools that allow learning at St Patrick’s Day party, word search puzzles play a very important part in engaging kids with the English language.
The game also helps to teach kids the rules and patterns within the spelling of words.
They are regularly used by teachers to reinforce vocabulary and concepts in language lessons.
It is necessary for kids to be able to use all the important stages of education and word search puzzles is one of such stages.
St. Patrick’s Day Coloring Pages
Color the Shamrock.
Every person ranging from St. Patrick’s Day party hosts to parents find the coloring pages game fun and interesting game for the kids.
With this game, kids are happily involved. The game also encourages the children to keep up with their artistic skills.
Test their drawing and tracing skills with a shamrock template.
Improvement of developing skills, decision making, follow through and coordination are other benefits derived by children who participate in coloring pages.
This game helps in informing children that there is a world of information at their disposal.
Four Leaf Clovers For The Luck O’ the Irish
The Pot of Gold Game
This game is a simple modification to the traditional tossing of the bean bag.
The game requires the hosts to avail black buckets or containers for use as a representation of a pot and the bean bag to represent gold.
The game is played in such as a way that one player is eliminated at a time until one winner is found
Musical Irish Hot Potato
This game is made a bit more interesting when it is played with some jig music. This is because the music sets good moods on the players.
The game involves having all the players sitting down in a circle and then a potato is passed around as the music plays, the player who is found holding the potato when the music stops playing is eliminated.
Prize Giving Tips
Those who will offer prizes for the games during St. Patrick’s Day need to be creative and make them fit the theme.
For example, they should buy some chocolate gold coins for leprechauns because they are best known for gold coins.
In order to make prizes even better, you need to provide a little bag with a pull string that is called black sack.
This makes the kids to have a great party favor after the end of the party.
One important tip that ensures each child gets treated equally is to have extra prizes for rewarding those who have less.
Bring your children to have fun at St. Patrick’s Day party for it is fun and a very educative event.