Where to Find the Newest Printables
Are you constantly in search of the newest, greatest printables for your students or children?
You’re in luck!
At FreePrintableOnline.com, we put all of our new printables in a handy section to make it easy to find our most up to date worksheets, coloring pages, games, cards, invitations and more.
These printables are displayed in the usual format, but are not grouped according to category here.
If you’d like to narrow down your search, though, you can always use the search function at the top of our website to search by keyword, tag, title, holiday and more.
We hope you enjoy our newest printables. Here are some of the highlights in this category.
Don’t forget to print and share a few with your friends to let them in on the fun!
New Printables to Teach You How to Draw a Dog
Have you ever wanted to learn how to draw a dog?
Lots of people make it look simple, but when you try to do it yourself, it ends up looking little like a dog, am I right?
Now, you can draw a dog just like the pros with our step-by-step illustrated draw a dog printable.
It takes you from the formation of the head to the body and tail using simple shapes that anyone can draw.
It’s perfect for all skill levels!
The kids in your home will enjoy this just as much as the adults do, so print one out for everyone to practice on Family Night! You don’t even have to print it, though.
Just display the image on your computer, laptop, tablet device or smartphone and get started with your sketchpad and pencils!
Don’t forget to let the kids color their final drawing to be hung on the refrigerator or bulletin board!

Free Printable Activities For Kids
New Printables to Teach the Color Black
This sheet doubles as a Halloween fun worksheet and a black color lesson. The worksheet features items and animals like a cat, a bat, a frog, an apple, a spider and more.
The students are assigned the task of identifying all the black items in the picture. The black items can be circled. For even more fun, have your students identify all the Halloween-related images, too!
This would include the bat, the black cat and the spider. The students can place an “X” through these.
New Printable Coloring Sheets for Halloween
Finally, we get to a fun, playful coloring sheet that’s perfect for your in-class Halloween activities. It features a sweet little cat posing with a Jack-o-Lantern.
This Halloween coloring sheet provides the perfect opportunity to get to know your students better, too.
Ask which ones have pets, how they like to carve their pumpkins, what their favorite Halloween costumes have been and more.
You could also save this for a classroom Halloween party if your school allows them.
This coloring sheet would be a nice, quiet activity for the children to work on as they enjoy their toys and treats.
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