Cake\ORM\Entity Object
[id] => 2709
[prints] => 83770
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[created] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2017-07-18 22:47:51.000000
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[modified] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2024-10-15 04:59:02.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
[timezone] => UTC
[name] => Planet Cutouts - Explore the Solar System - Kids Cut-out Activities
[description] => Explore the Solar System and enjoy these Free Printable Planet Papercraft Cutouts. Click on the worksheet to download and print it today.
[category_id] => 46
[premium] =>
[sorder] => 0
[published] => 1
[page_title] => Planet Cutouts - Free Printable Online
[meta_keywords] => explore,solar,system,enjoy,free,printable,planet,cutouts,download,today.
[meta_description] => It looks like you're interested in our Planet Cutouts. We also offer many different Kids Worksheets on our site, so check us out now and get to printing!
[clean_url] => planet-cutouts
[img_title] => Planet Cutouts - Solar System Template Activity for Kids
[layout] => default
[description2] => Engaging your students in papercraft and kids' activities offers a hands-on approach to learning.
Solar System Plants Cut-Out Activity
Our Solar System Plants Cut-Out Activity involves cutting out colorful representations of each planet and assembling them into a cohesive model.
This allows students to visualize the solar system's structure and the relative sizes of the planets.
Customize it the way you want it. We also offer many different Printable Worksheets on our site, so visit us out now and get to printing!
[category] => Cake\ORM\Entity Object
[id] => 46
[short_name] => Printable Paper Crafts and Kids Activities
[description] => Try our free printable paper crafts today, such as our origami rose for great kids activities. Discover new crafts from our selection and print now!
[category_id] => 23
[created] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2012-11-18 12:16:35.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
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[modified] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2013-03-12 09:58:13.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
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[sorder] => 0
[long_name] => Free Printable Paper Crafts and Kids Activities
[page_title] => Free Printable Paper Crafts and Kids Activities
[meta_keywords] => free,printable,paper,crafts,today,such,origami,rose,discover,from,selection,print
[meta_description] => Try our free printable paper crafts today, such as our origami rose! Discover new crafts from our selection and print now!
[published] => 1
[clean_url] => paper-crafts-and-kids-activities
[short_description] =>
[description2] =>
[parent_category] => Cake\ORM\Entity Object
[id] => 23
[short_name] => Printable Crafts
[description] => Have a fun time using free printable crafts! Our wide assortment of print outs, such as our printable ruler, printable stencils or bookmarks, will bring the family together and provide great kids activities with these intuitive ideas. Simply find the free printable crafts of your taste, customize and print right now, all for free!
Our main goal is to offer you an endless amount of different free and fun kids activities so that you can have some relaxation time while your childrens minds are being stimulated from our crafts. If you're a teacher, use these for your students during play time at school. They will get the opportunity to use their creative side and build and create things to bring home to their parents.
[category_id] =>
[created] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2012-11-17 00:24:38.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
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[modified] => Cake\I18n\DateTime Object
[date] => 2019-07-04 03:40:58.000000
[timezone_type] => 3
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[sorder] => 10
[long_name] => Free Printable Crafts
[page_title] => Free Printable Crafts | Create Fun Printable Crafts
[meta_keywords] => free,printable,crafts, free printable crafts
[meta_description] => Use our handy and convenient free printable crafts to keep the good times rolling. Whether you need a ruler or a stencil, grab the free printable crafts of your choice.
[published] => 1
[clean_url] => crafts
[short_description] => Use our handy and convenient free printable crafts for kids activities!
[description2] => Free Printable Crafts to do with your Children
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